RAV Products  – Industrial Valves – Ball Valves

Industrial Valves

Some examples from the wide RAV programme range:



 Butterfly Valves / Swing Check Valves

 Expansion Joints

 Steam Traps

 Solenoid Valves

 Measuring Instruments

 Control Valves

 Gate Valves

 Strainers / Conical Strainers

 Safety Valves

 Globe Valves / Non-Return Valves

Ball Valves

Some examples from the wide RAV programme range:

 Fully-welded ball valves

 Sub-sea ball valves

 Split body ball valves

 Two-way ball valves

 Multi-way ball valves

 Hot-tapping ball valves

 Branching ball valves

 Special ball valves

 Ball valve drives

Natural Gas Expansion Turbine – Gas Valves

Gas Expansion Turbine

 With the gas expansion turbine, electricity can be generated directly in the gas pressure regulating station

 The turbine has no influence on the output pressure – this remains constant

Gas Valves

 Gas Pressure Regulator

 Safety Shut-Off Valve

 Safety Relief Valve

 Excess Pressure Regulator

 Vacuum Pressure Regulator

RAV Armaturen GmbH | Am Walzwerk 5 | 45527 Hattingen | Germany | www.rav-valve.com
Telephone +49 2324 5983-0 | Fax +49 2324 5983-22 | rav@rav-valve.com